Rotary Youth Leadership Awards (RYLA)
Rotary Youth Leadership Awards (RYLA) is a leadership program coordinated by Rotary Clubs of RI Dist 3231. Each year, thousands of young people participate in this program. Young people ages 14–30 were sponsored by Rotary Clubs of RI Dist 3231 to attend the event run by the club’s district committee. The RYLA held on 2013-2014 in Roctary district 3231 was attended by Audacious Dreams foundation’s volunteer by representing Rotract Club of Gudiyattam. They were chosen for their leadership potential. The Ryla held in the form of a seminar, camp, or workshop to discuss leadership skills and to learn those skills through practice.
Rotractors from Rotract Club of Gudiyattam presented their presentations on youth empowerment and peace development to the other rotract clubs of RI DIST 3231. More than 100 Rotractors were participated from varies rotract clubs of district 3231. The awareness on Thalassemia was created with the Hand print campign. It was the full day event. At the night the youths were engaged with each other through campfire and there was full of fun with dance.
Experience from the RYLA:
- Rotary’s respect and concern for youth was demonstrated.
- An effective training experience for selected youth and potential leaders was provided.
- Leadership of youth by youth was encouraged.
- Publicly young people who were rendered service to their communities were recognised.
A participant summed up his experience in one word: Camelot. He wrote:
“If you know the story of King Arthur, you may recall that as King Arthur was dying in a young man’s arms, he turned to the youth and said, if you learn of anyone that has not heard of Camelot, tell them loudly and clearly that there really was that one wisp of glory called Camelot.”