Twitter chat on National Farmer’s Day

Chaudhary Charan Singh Jayanti or the birth anniversary of Ch. Charan Singh is on December 23, Friday. It is observed as Kisan Divas or Farmers day. Since, farmers are the backbone of an economy therefore our nation celebrates Farmers Day in the memory of late Ch. Charan Singh, the ex-Prime Minister of India. He was primarily a farmer himself and his personal life-style was extremely simple. He was a son of the soil and his efforts towards the improvement of an Indian farmer are unparalleled .He is credited for a slew of agrarian reforms and new policies being introduced in India. His peasantry background helped him understand real problems of the farmers.
Farmer’s Day is celebrated throughout the country. It is celebrated with great joy and enthusiasm. On this day various agricultural events, seminars, competitions and debates are organized to mark the event. On behalf of kisan Diwas, Audacious Dreams Foundation conducted twitter chat in social media to make more effective among the youngsters. The questions were raised and participants were answered to those questions effectively. The twitter chat was conducted on December 23, 2016 and the timing allotted to chat was from 5.30 pm to 6.30 pm. All the participants effectively involved in the twitter chat and shared their point of views about the farmers. Audacious Dreams Foundation announced that the best respondents in twitter will be awarded at the end of that twitter chat. The hash tags where given to the participants to tag while chatting: #kiswanDiwas #FarmersDay #RIDist3231.
The questions raised during the twitter chat are:
- Do you know why today is celebrated has a farmers day in our country?
- What’s the most satisfying part of farmers or farming for you?
- Share your opinion and thoughts about farmer’s day?
- Why agriculture is important for us?
- Why farmers are committing suicide?
- What is our opinion on industrial agriculture?
- Which state in India is top in farming?
- What problem is being faced by farmers to do agriculture?
- What steps should our Indian Government need to take to prevent farmer’s suicides?
- What are your view about farming and farmers in India?
- What is average income of Indian farmer?
- What are the ways to improve the farmer’s situation?
Is there any good idea to prevent from inorganic cultivation?