The largest Youth Crowd Sourced Manifesto for Tamilnadu State Assembly Elections 2016 -“Demand to be a part of Democracy” and Raised Youth Voice towards sustainable development of Tamilnadu. The UnManifesto Campaign seeks to engage youth in the political process beyond simply voting during elections. This campaign aims at getting young people to participate in all aspects of the political story, rather than just the tip of the iceberg – the voting process.
In order to make sure this campaign reaches as many youth voices as possible and that it is truly a national and youth led process, a National Coalition of partners has came together to commit effort and time to the UnManifesto Campaign until India’s parliament General elections 2014. It is imminent that youngsters come up and play an active role in the political dynamics of the country. The first step towards that is “having a voice” and making it heard: Do you know how a political manifesto is designed and developed? Have you ever had a national political party come up to you to discuss what you want in your manifesto? For the first time ever, we gave the opportunity to youngsters to create their own manifesto and present it to top political leaders from the leading party and the opposition of the nation, with a clear promise that they will take in the promises of youngsters for their manifesto making process.
#unManifesto Tamilnadu State Assembly Elections 2016
The Youth Volunteer team from Trichy,Tamil Nadu (Audacious Dreams Youth Panel-ADYP) Audacious Dreams Foundation-ADF,India had done great job in promoting #UnamnifestoTN2016 supported by Youth Collective and UNFPA collecting youth voices/manifesto Tamil Nadu state Assembly election.
#Unmanifesto Tamil Nadu 2016
The #unmanifesto Tamil Nadu 2016 was held at Auxilium College, Katpadi, where the students participated in the #unmanifesto enthusiastically and framed their manifesto to present it to the State Assembly Election 2016. It was organized by Audacious Dreams Foundation-ADF,India and supported by Commutiny Youth Collective, UNFPA India.
#unManifesto; Raising Youth Voice #Civic Engagement
Civic Engagement workshop for first time Voters focusing on Tamilnadu State Assemmbly Elections 2016 was Organised by Audacious Dreams Foundation-ADF,India, Commutiny Youth Collective, UNFPA India at Govt Muthurangam Arts and Science College, Vellore. 120 first time voters participated in this workshop and contributed their efforts in Raising Youth Voice in Democracy, Governance by urging youth to participation in Political Process.
The Origin – Established in 2014:
Audacious Dreams Foundation in association with Community-The Youth Collective, UNFPA and 30+ organizations in India has come up with a unique way of doing just that. We have collected youth voices throughout the nation and we compiled them in the form of a un-manifesto and presented it before politicians. Across the nation, several thousand promises have been collected from various different communities on ground and online, and in the process local politicians was engaged. Finally the Un-manifesto has released through various
national and state events.
ComMutiny – The Youth Collective (CYC) was set up in 2008 to promote the rights of young people for participation, development and leadership. Community represents the ‘mutiny’ within that evolves when we work deeply in diverse communities. ComMutiny – The Youth Collective (CYC) is a collective of nearly 50 youth led and youth engaging organizations that work in collaboration to promote youth leadership by creating what we call ‘5th Spaces’ across the country.
UNFPA is the lead UN agency for delivering a world where every pregnancy is wanted, every child birth is safe and every young person’s potential is fulfilled.