“The future depends on what we do in the present” – Mahatma Gandhi
Youth civic engagement leads to reduced risky behavior, increased success in school and leads to greater civic participation later in life. However, youth today are less likely than those in earlier generations to exhibit many important characteristics of citizenship. State policymakers across the country are working to engage youth in positive opportunities for civic participation, which is important for healthy youth development and for the health and performance of democracy. Effective initiatives respect the value of young people in public problem-solving and provide young people and adults with information, tools and support to work effectively together as partners, allowing opportunities for youth to take ownership of parts of the process mobilize others and become powerful role models. It is important to be inclusive in planning and working with youth, placing particular emphasis on engaging young people who have not traditionally been included in community youth development opportunities and recognizing and valuing diversity.
On 2nd October, 2015 Mr. Dinesh Gajendran, catalyst and executive of Audacious Dreams Foundation and also elected representative of Village panchayat has organized an event “Youth Civic Engagement” which initiated the Indian Youth and women to participate in Grama Panchayat. By creating opportunities for youth civic engagement, policymakers promote the healthy development of young people. Civic engagement provides young people with opportunities to gain work experience, acquire new skills, and to learn responsibility and accountability—all while contributing to the good of their communities. Indian Institute of Paramedical students engaged themselves to serve for their community. The Village panchayat members and people of the Village assembled to know more about Youth Civic Engagement. The students from Indian Institute of Paramedical supported Youth mission “Clean India” by conducting the Campaign. Mr. Dinesh Gajendran, as the representative of Village panchayat enquired about the needs and wants of the people. The women’s who assembled there, gave the suggestions to improve their community.