Mr.Dinesh Gajendren catalyst and Founder of Audacious Dreams Foundation invited as the Guest of Honour for Graduation and Annual Day of Anuvrat Vidyalaya,India. An institution works for the empowerment of Indian youth by providing quality education with many extended opportunities
Guest of Honour:
Mr.Dinesh Gajendran,MBA.,
Steering Commitee Member,
Commonwealth Students Association,
Commonwealth Secretariat, UK.
Mr.S.Ramakrishna Sayee,
Principal,DAV-BHEL School, Ranipet.
Mr.Dhuruva Mandalam Seshadri,IRS.,
Assistant commissioner, Central Excise, Vellore
Principal,Freedom Concept School,Poigai
The program was begun by welcome address from the institution followed by that Mr.dinesh gajendram lighting the lamp with other chief guests. Then received a honour and token of love from the Pricipal of Anuvurat vidayalaya. The Audacious Dreams Foundation’s special project-”International Award for Young People “was introduced to the institution with the promotion. Then Mr.Dinesh Gajendran delivered the the speech on” Youth create a part” to the students and gathered audience. The one year travel of Challenge India in Anuvurat vidayala was also portrayed to the gathering. The students who were attended the workshops of Challenge India are shared their experiment and empowerment to the large gathering. He motivated the gathering towards the empowerment of youths through sports. The delivered speech also included the global understanding for sustainable development, adolescent health care and Civic citizenship. The cultural stared followed by his speech. Varieties of dance were performed by the school kids and the prizes were distributed to the students by the guest of honour. The program winded up with the national anthem.