Dinesh Gajendran, Bsc., ECV., DSM.,DYLP., M.A., MBA., M.A.,
Born to a farmer who was a school dropout at a very early age, Dinesh was brought up with lack of proper guidance regarding higher education. His yearning to standout from his family made him pursue his higher studies in the midst of many obstacles. He victoriously stood as the first generation graduate, proving that he was born to make a difference. He wanted to showcase to the world how education can change an individual and transform the community around.
Dinesh believes and following the saying from his childhood “Be a Hero Always Say I have No Fear”- Swami Vivekananda, The Youth Icon of India
A Global youth policy maker by passion and profession he had been served with many influential youth led policy making agencies including Commonwealth Secretariat as Asia Regional Representative for Commonwealth Youth Sports for Development and Peace (CYSDP) and Commonwealth Students Association (CSA), Asia Focal point for Commonwealth Youth Council, Global Youth Ambassador for A world at School initiative founded by UN envoy for Global Education.
Dinesh Gajendran plays diversified role as youth worker, social entrepreneur, marketer, policy maker, administrator, educationalist, film maker, sportsman, innovator etc.
Dinesh had very good and highest level of academic background to support his youth development works. He has triple Masters- Masters in Business Administration (MBA), Masters in Advertising & Public Relations (MA), from Madurai Kamaraj University, India Masters in Political Science (M.A), Bachelors in Science (Bsc) from University of Madras Diploma in Sports Management (DSM), Graduate in Embracing Commonwealth Values (ECV) in Youth Development by Commonwealth of learning &CYP Asia, Discovering Young Leaders Potential (DYLP) by Commonwealth Youth Programme, Africa., Master Diploma in NGO Management (MD-NGO), Post Graduate Diploma in Youth Development (PGDYD)

He had diversified journey as Asia Regional Representative of Commonwealth Students Association (CSA) with the Commonwealth Secretariat which formulated the Asia Regional Working group and he also served in the steering committee in framing the policies and decision making process. Later he began to work with Commonwealth Youth Sports for Development and Peace (CYSDP) as Asia Regional Representative and he actively contributed for the strategies to the Annual General body Meeting, Commonwealth Sports Ministers Meeting (CSMM) at Glasgow/Commonwealth Games 2014 which facilitated Commonwealth Sports Ministers endorsement for CYSDP as official youth voice of sports for development and peace in the commonwealth countries. Through his team work and ability he has contributed to the historic publication The ‘Youth Advocacy toolkit’ on Sports for Development and peace and conducted workshops in India, srilanka and Malta. Youth for change-Girl Summit 2014, London an historical event hosted by UK prime minister David Cameroon and UNICEF on Ending Child and early forced marriage and FGM.

He receives the highest honor of being a first Indian youth nominated for the position of election as Chairperson of Commonwealth Youth Council which leads 1.2 billion youth from 53 countries. He had been invited to participate in the Commonwealth Youth Forum(CYF), Commonwealth Sports breakfast with Heads of Governments during the Commonwealth Heads of Governments Meeting(CHOGM) 2015, Malta. To recognize his contribution for the youth development in the commonwealth, he has been recognized as “Commonwealth Youth Worker Award (finalist) of Asia in 2016. He has been named in the Top 100 Commonwealth Young Achievers Book of records.
His capacity to work in Sustainable Development Goals(SDGs) with representatives from UNICEF, UNESCO, Ministry of Youth and sports officials and other stakeholders together contributed to the Commonwealth Sports and Post 2015 Forum in London,UK and demonstrated the contribution of sports in Post 2015. He has been invited to facilitate Session on Cross Cutting Issues in Youth Development and to present the status of students report of Commonwealth students association during the Youth Forum- Commonwealth Asia Region Youth Ministers Meeting (AR-YMM) 2015. He works closely with the Commonwealth Youth Council (CYC) in executing various projects and Successfully Organised India Srilanka Youth Exchange Forum Series 2015 & 2016. He has been received the highest recognition and chosen to speak at the National Parliament (Youth ) of Srilanka as 1st Indian and 2nd foreigner after Her Excellency Ms.Navi Pillay, The United Nations High Commissioner of Human Rights. He also had Diplomatic Dialogue with Hon.Niroshan Perara, The Minister of National Polices and Economic Affairs Minister, Ministry of Women and Children Affairs, Govt of Srilanka. He has been chosen to Visit the Presidents House of Srilanka as one of the very few youth workers who received this honor. He also been honoured with India-Srilanka friendship Award 2016 by Srilanka United Nations Friendship Organisation.

He had experienced excellence in management and social sector where he worked in various advertising and communication agencies and as well as experience with the International social brands. Awarded with Gold Award of The Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award Foundation founded by HRH Prince Philip in which he served on various capacities within the foundation as award leader, coordinator, ambassador, trainer,TfT where he worked with Asia Pacific Region in training, communication & research. He has received the highest award of “Social Innovation” from the International Award foundation for his contribution to youth development through the award. Dinesh’s continued commitment to making a difference to the lives of young people resulted in his 2013 successful winning of a Special Project grant founded by the Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award Foundation. Special Projects was created in 1999 by HRH Prince Edward, The Earl of Wessex KG GCVO. Dinesh focuses on those young people who are at risk, marginalised, or who might not otherwise be able to participate in the youth development programme due to circumstance or social context. His ability to lobby at higher level allows the Award to truly engage young people at all levels of society and provide opportunities with long-term, sustainable impact. He had been invited as speaker at Youth for change-Girl Summit 2014, London an historical event hosted by UK prime minister David Cameroon and UNICEF on Ending Child and early forced marriage and FGM.
To highlight his superior contribution in the education sector he had been shortlisted as one of the top 20 youth in the world for the prestigious “Youth Courageous award” by the UN Special Envoy of Global Education during year 2014 further to that he has been appointed as Global Youth Ambassador for A World at School by Gordon Brown to promote universal education. He has been chosen to host the Adolescent Youth Consultation to frame Policies for UNICEF(2018-2022) in India. He had been invited with his Youth panel team to UN Women Youth Dialogue 2016 with Her Excellency Ms. Lakshmi Puri, United Nations Asst Secretary General and Deputy Director of UN Women

His policy making and youth development efforts leads to his participation in United Nations High Level Meeting on Youth, New York, USA, 2011 Beyond Sports Summit and Awards, Chicago, USA,2010 Youth Representative for Youth Leadership Consultation of United Nations Economic Social and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (UNESCAP),2011 to form Network of Emerging Leaders in Asia and the Pacific (NELAP), Bangkok, UK Govt organized Girl Summit 2014. A prospective Rotaract aspirant since 2004 He has been recognized as Young Professional of Rotary International and chosen to participate in the Group Study Exchange to Germany 2013. He was recognized as “Community Hero” in The Great British Sports Festival by Olympian Abhinav Bindra in The British Deputy High Commission 2012.

He also won the prestigious International special project founded by Prince Edward of The International Award for Young People, Karmaveer Chakra from United Nations and he has been received the highest honour of being a REX karmaveer fellowship from Icongo. He is the proud recipient of Bharat Ratna Rajiv Gandhi Yuva Shakthi Award . He has been serving as Youth Goodwill Ambassador for Srilanka United Nations Friendship Organization (SUNFO).. His dynamic involvement in the International understanding and building networks, He has organized South Asian Peace Youth Camp in Srilanka, India-Srilanka Friendship Forum, India-Mauritius Youth Exchange, India-UK Friendship Forum, and India-China Friendship forum. He made it a point to travel from the grassroots and serve as a global citizen.
He has been involved with several national and international initiatives with Rajiv Gandhi National Institute of Youth Development (RGNIYD), Ministry of Youth Affairs, Govt of India and also contributed to consultation on Asia Pacific Youth policies and programme Consultation of South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation(SAARC) youth Charter, founded the Youth Resource centre, Delegate of SAARC Youth Camp, Speaker at the Asia Youth Leaders Summit by British council and CYP and Mainstreaming Youth in Local Governance etc. He also actively involved with Nehru Yuva Kendra Sangathan(NYKS) to promote arts, culture and youth development in India.
Dinesh’s interest on global and sustainable development issues printed his presence in South Asian Youth Conference (SAYC), Global Citizens Youth Assembly (GCYA), South Asian Peace youth Camp(SAPYC), Youth for Human Rights initiatives(YHRI) etc. He also served on a Mission with Ministry of Youth affairs and skill development, Govt of Srilanka .
He has various grassroot and global exposure served with many international organizations travelled to Srilanka, USA, Thailand, Scotland, Germany, Czech Republic, and England. And he has rich experience travelled to north, west, north east and around south of India, the country celebrates unity and diversity and promoting cultural diversity. He has contributed to several publications and his work has been published at various regional, national media and International websites

Founded Audacious Dreams Foundation, India aims to inspire, inform, engage, enable and empower youth for global understanding and sustainable development by using various measures starring from mutual dialogue, sports for development, youth in governance, adolescent health, gender equality, social innovations etc. He also founded “Institute of Youth Affairs and Social Development” a research institute for youth development. His interest in policy making made his debut in grassroot democratic institution/local government in 2011 he has been elected as a councilor to his Village/Grama Panchayat board. He has the capacity of mobilizing young people to participate in the democratic process and nation building in which he has organized several campaigns mainstreaming youth in local Governance by encouraging them to participate in Grama Sabha, Village education councils, Village Management committee etc.