Whatever heights I reach, the credits go to Audacious Dreams Foundation-ADF,India I never dreamed whom I am today, but inspirations, encouragements, recognition of Audacious Dreams foundation uplifted my future in Social work and youth work. Thank you all the members of Audacious Dreams and special salute and Thanks to Dinesh Gajendran You're like director Balachandar who made multiple super stars to the world. Where ever I shine, I'll remember the guidance and love you showed always.
Malhardeen Abdul Azeez - Secretary at International Youth Council - SriLankan Chapter

As a first time tourist to the south India, without being able to speak Tamil, I felt extremely safe at all times and was able to communicate well in English. My host Dinesh Gajendran and his family were extremely generous and welcoming. Overall, I have made lifelong contacts and have gained valuable experiences that have motivated me to spread the message of Audacious Dreams Foundation as an ambassador in England.